1/4 sheet – Lavender Field. Painted this one the other day. Mostly wet-in-wet. I painted the sky and fields first, starting with lemon yellow on the horizon line and some sap green in the fields. Then dropped in purple and blue hues (mostly purple). When adding paint back into an […]
Yearly archives: 2021
Hi there! My name is Darren Yeo. I am a watercolour artist and teacher based in Melbourne, Australia. I graduated from the University of Western Australia in the field of psychology (B.A. Hons. Psych). I’m also the creator of the online art community “Watercolour Mentor”. I run live classes and provide […]
Here are a couple of line and wash sketches I completed during a free live workshop. The one below (beach scene) was done with pigment liners, and the house further down was done with ball-point, liquid ink pens. This is largely a stylistic choice, but you can see pen lines […]
Thank you to everyone who attended LIVE workshop #11, here’s the final scan and also the sketch I did the night before. I prefer the pre-sketch again 😂 hope you enjoyed it and see you next week! In case you missed the live yesterday, here’s the link: A couple of quick tips. […]
I finished these line and wash sketches from LIVE #10. The first one is from the live and the second was a sketch I did the night before. If you missed the workshop, it’s available here: I worked on getting in a lot of overlapping shapes and figures (remember to […]
Hey everyone, Darren here. These are my final scans from Friday/Saturday’s class. The first two pics were from the live and 3rd/4th were sketches done beforehand. Feel free to use these for learning purposes. If you missed the workshop, you can watch it here: I ended up doing two separate […]
Interested in learning how to draw and paint urban scenes? This is a Line and wash sketch from my Live #9 workshop. Done in an A4 watercolour sketchbook. This is a scene from Dubrovnik, Croatia. In case you missed it, you can watch me draw and paint this LIVE with […]
This is my painting of Venice overlooking the Grand Canal (1/4 sheet, cotton Cold Press/medium texture): This was painted in two distinct washes. In the first wash, I painted the sky, warm areas on the buildings, and water in one go. I started with the buildings first, adding some lemon […]
Learning how to draw and paint buildings? Here’s the final line and wash painting from my recent online line and wash class. I added some extra details for the trees, branches, and some small marks on the ground/bricks. And here is the reference photo: The last 15 minutes of adding […]
I draw all the figures and details in the foreground first so they appear closer to the front. Once you add the buildings and objects behind – they appear partially obscured. This overlapping of shapes creates the illusion of depth and in my opinion, makes for a more interesting drawing. […]
Hello there! Here are some tips from a free live workshop I ran on how to paint landscapes in watercolour. This was painted on a 1/4 sheet (100% cotton, cold-press). You can watch the entire video here: It’s important to have a combination of hard and soft edges in a […]
I recently ran a free live demonstration on how to paint the scene below – you can watch the video below, or read more to learn a few tips and tricks. Check out the quick 5 min sketch as well that I did before – a great way to warm […]
Street Scene – 1/8th sheet (Baohong, 300gsm Cold Press). I’ve added some instructions on how to paint light and shadows in this street scene below. Step 1: You can paint this landscape in two basic steps. For the first step, I added in all of the warm colors of the […]
Below some top questions and answers from our group Watercolour Beginners. 1. Do I start with the background like acrylics? Or the foreground? I get very muddy colors if I try and go on top of another color, even when it’s dry. I tend to start with the sky with […]
In this watercolor beach tutorial for beginners, I will show you the best tips and processes to create your own beach landscape watercolor painting. This tutorial will go through all the steps to paint a beach landscape the easy way with only two layers. I’ve also included the video tutorial […]