Paint Sicily and Hallstatt: Want to learn how to paint Sicily and Hallstatt in watercolor? Learning to portray the mood of a landscape, in particular the time of the day, can be challenging for beginners. In this watercolor article and free workshop, I’ll show you how I approach and paint […]
Free Video Workshops
Why is drawing important when learning how to paint? In this free watercolor workshop, I will show you how to Paint Cinque Terre and Learn Line and Wash the easy way! Check out the video here. This is quite a long workshop and we firstly go through some line and […]
In this Inktober special, learn how to Draw and Paint France and Mykonos. Watch my free live workshop here. I’ve chosen two scenes with distinct contrasts between light and dark – and I show you how to achieve the feeling of light in your painting by ironically emphasizing your dark […]
A few months ago, I was invited by Etchr to run a free live demonstration on their YouTube channel. I also ran a live workshop which is available here. In this post, I’ll go through some simple tips on how to paint expressive urban landscapes in watercolor. In case you […]
I recently ran a free online workshop on how to Draw and Paint Venice and Annecy. You can view it below. In this article, I thought I’d add a few of my observations and tips on how to draw and paint these two scenes to this article. Composition: For the […]
I recently ran one of my free live workshops – Inktober Sketching: Tokyo and Italy. This was a line and wash workshop where I ran through all my steps to draw from complex reference photos to create a unique illustration that preserves much of the important details. Inktober is one […]
Here’s another unique workshop that I ran recently where we went through how to Draw and Paint London and Santorini. In each demonstration, there are some unique benefits of using pure watercolor and adding in the drawing with an ink pen beforehand. I’ll go through more of my thoughts below. […]
Hi Folks! Today I’ll go through some tips on how to sketch in watercolour by painting some easy urban landscapes. One of the best ways to learn watercolor painting is to practice completing simplified sketches from reference photos. The three scenes below were from a free watercolor workshop I ran […]
Line and wash is a great way to learn how to draw and paint at the same time! I like drawing and painting outside as it forces you to work fast. Below are a few scenes I painted in a recent free workshop. Quick tips: remember to draw the figures […]
1/4 sheet – Lavender Field. Painted this one the other day. Mostly wet-in-wet. I painted the sky and fields first, starting with lemon yellow on the horizon line and some sap green in the fields. Then dropped in purple and blue hues (mostly purple). When adding paint back into an […]
Here are a couple of line and wash sketches I completed during a free live workshop. The one below (beach scene) was done with pigment liners, and the house further down was done with ball-point, liquid ink pens. This is largely a stylistic choice, but you can see pen lines […]
I finished these line and wash sketches from LIVE #10. The first one is from the live and the second was a sketch I did the night before. If you missed the workshop, it’s available here: I worked on getting in a lot of overlapping shapes and figures (remember to […]
Thank you to everyone who attended LIVE workshop #11, here’s the final scan and also the sketch I did the night before. I prefer the pre-sketch again 😂 hope you enjoyed it and see you next week! In case you missed the live yesterday, here’s the link: A couple of quick tips. […]
Hey everyone, Darren here. These are my final scans from Friday/Saturday’s class. The first two pics were from the live and 3rd/4th were sketches done beforehand. Feel free to use these for learning purposes. If you missed the workshop, you can watch it here: I ended up doing two separate […]
Interested in learning how to draw and paint urban scenes? This is a Line and wash sketch from my Live #9 workshop. Done in an A4 watercolour sketchbook. This is a scene from Dubrovnik, Croatia. In case you missed it, you can watch me draw and paint this LIVE with […]