Hi everyone! The Psychology in Art: Podcast Ep #77 is now out on Etchr’s YouTube channel.
A few weeks ago, I was invited to Etchr’s ‘Make More Art’ Podcast. I shared a bit about my personal artistic journey and talked about art in the context of self-development, life, and psychology. I also shared a few tips on how you can deal with some mental roadblocks on your artistic journey. More specifically, how to be more productive and get into the mood to START creating… and how to stay motivated and consistent as an artist. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/MxfOg8P3Fj8
Topics I discuss in “The Psychology in Art: Podcast”:
- Watercolour is both an unforgiving medium and a life lesson
- Essential tips for getting started with watercolour
- Learning and unlearning techniques to achieve the style you want
- Why you don’t have to wait for inspiration to get started with art
- Having a growth mindset about creativity
You can view articles I write here: https://www.watercolourmentor.com/watercolour-articles