Above is a free workshop that will show you some simple steps in order to paint a coastal landscape.
I include tips on techniques, colour mixing and detailing.
Check it out here or by clicking the ‘play’ button above.
Above is a free workshop that will show you some simple steps in order to paint a coastal landscape.
I include tips on techniques, colour mixing and detailing.
Check it out here or by clicking the ‘play’ button above.
Here’s another unique workshop that I ran recently where we went through how to Draw and Paint London and Santorini. In each […]
In this lighthouse watercolor painting tutorial, I will show you have to sketch and paint a lighthouse using my Meeden porcelain watercolor palette. You’ll learn how to loosen up your watercolor style.
In this short demonstration, you’ll learn how to sketch and paint a simple street scene. Learn the basics of painting light and shadows.
Venice – Campo San Barnaba (A4, Arches Cold Pressed) I used a reference photo for this one and just focused on sketching […]