Line and Wash Beach Landscapes – Tips and Entire Process

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Hey everyone, Darren here. These are my final scans from Friday/Saturday’s class. The first two pics were from the live and 3rd/4th were sketches done beforehand. Feel free to use these for learning purposes.

#1 Drawn/Painted Live
#1 Drawn/Painted Prior
#2 Drawn/Painted Live
#2 Drawn/Painted Prior

If you missed the workshop, you can watch it here:

Free Live Class

I ended up doing two separate line and wash beach landscapes – one front and one side on view. I go through a few tips on perspective, sketching people, objects. I also go through how to use watercolor to paint in the sand, sky, water/waves and shadows. Hope you find this helpful.

If you’re free again next week, here’s the link to the event:

Hope to see you there and thanks for joining us.

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