Hi there! My name is Darren Yeo, the creator of Watercolour Mentor.
I am a watercolour artist and teacher based in Melbourne, Australia. My work features predominantly natural landscapes, urban streetscapes and portraiture in watercolour medium.
Since I was young, I loved creating, drawing and painting. Prior to discovering watercolours, I worked predominantly with clays as a scupturist – creating hand-made figures, vases and pottery. I exhibited in Galleries in Western Australia, winning a Highly Commended (presented by the City of Melville) for one of my works. Being able to express myself and the beauty of nature through my artwork is something that has made me happy, maintained my mental health, and helped me though challenging times.
Like many, I left my artistic pursuits behind to focus on other aspects of my career and study. But it was always in the back of my mind. A few years ago, I stumbled upon a fascinating video showcasing famous watercolour artists and their works – I was hooked! The beautiful colours and spontaneity of the medium seemed a great fit. I immediately wanted to learn and the rest is history.
I founded Watercolour Mentor to inspire budding artists to pick up that paintbrush and enjoy the many benefits of watercolour painting. Anyone can learn how to paint!
Watercolours are special to me because there is an sense of finality once an area has dried – you can’t erase or go over that area to ‘fix’ it. You need to accept and work with what is there. To learn from and alter your next approach. For me I feel this goes further than just creating a pretty painting and I have found many ways to translate this concept over to my daily life.
My goal is to provide simple yet informative videos to make learning watercolours easy & less intimidating! I use a limited palette, and when painting landscapes, have a loose, vibrant and expressive style.
Something unique about me, and Watercolour Mentor is that I have a psychology, self-development and educational background (B.A. Hons. Psych). I have I am passionate in making a difference on a personal level by providing real feedback and mentoring. I would love to hear from you.
Need more support during your course? Feel free to contact me via darren@watercolourmentor.com and I will get back to you.
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